中日An old storyteller tries to convince her grandson that Death no longer exists. Her story will bring back to life the extraordinary people who, by using incredible tricks, will eliminate Death that threatens them.
中日An old storyteller tries to convince her grandson that Death no longer exists. Her story will bring back to life the extraordinary people who, by using incredible tricks, will eliminate Death that threatens them.
回复 :一名北越战士在目睹青梅竹马惨死战场后,毅然决定自愿前往南越丛林参战
回复 :珠宝店东何霖面临破产,遂计划打劫自己之店以骗取保金。森、大头及东仔被选中来港,可惜行劫事败。竟遭东主何霖灭口,只剩森一人逃离魔拳,躲到其青梅竹马的知己阿虹处,无奈地,林却发现阿虹沦为妓女,逐决意救她逃出火海,与此同时,森的行踪又给东主何霖发现......
回复 :小雪为了逼退年轻貌美的继母雅惠,于是夜晚在家便跟男友仗助打得火热,并故意让雅惠看见。自那之后,即便仗助正在跟小雪约会,心里所想的却是雅惠的性感魅力,两人于是分手。常在无意间想起雅惠的仗助,则是决定前去拜访她一解心头欲火……