回复 : Working hard to support her daughter, Monica's a single mother trying to make ends meet while trapped in rural poverty. From years of struggling and feeling confined, she becomes anxious that she still has a chance to leave. But the surroundings begin to take hold as she gets caught in threatening circumstances. She starts to feel suffocated and loses trust in the people around her as the desire to leave and obtain a better life for herself and daughter becomes more perilous.
回复 :苏亮曾和尹飘飘(聂晶磊 饰)之前有过一段美好的恋情,情投意合的两人彼此之间感情十分深厚。然而天不遂人愿,在一场意外中,尹飘飘不幸丧生,苏亮从此生活在对她的思念和痛苦之中。一晃眼多年过去,在这些年间,有过许多好女孩对苏亮表达过好感,然而,苏亮无法忘记尹飘飘,所以一一拒绝。最终,一个名为黄小米(刘俐儿 饰)的姑娘出现在了苏亮身边,她的善良和开朗让苏亮渐渐敞开了心扉,最终两人走到了一起。然而,从此之后,苏亮的身边开始接二连三的发生科学无法解释的诡异事件,这一切和他新展开的这段恋情有着千丝万缕的关联。
回复 :Campers find themselves in a fight for survival against a clan of cannibals in the Appalachian woods.