麻辣Hitler's last offensive in 1944 in the Ardennes, with which he desperately tried to stop the allies thereof, to reach Antwerp.
麻辣Hitler's last offensive in 1944 in the Ardennes, with which he desperately tried to stop the allies thereof, to reach Antwerp.
回复 :古代传说“血月见,妖孽现!”血月之夜,民国几个学生在旅行中误入神秘古宅,之后厄运不断降临,几位同学接连离奇死亡,无意中有人发现付凯背负着神秘胎记,原来他竟然和这座古宅有着千丝万缕的联系,于是所有矛头都指向他。在巨大恐惧下,付凯为了求得一线生机不得不采用古老预言方式“请碟仙”来验明真相,什么力量能够召唤出碟仙,碟仙的预言能力又是如何传递,血月、胎记又和碟仙有着什么样的联系呢?
回复 :瑞克斯(布鲁斯·威利斯 饰)和好友弗兰克(迈克尔·切克利斯 饰)在执行一次行动时出现意外,弗兰克因受重伤而丧失了部分记忆。瑞克斯和弗兰克一起通过种种线索还原了真实的犯罪现场,并找到了背后的真凶。
回复 :A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated house; but the twisted horrors he finds inside are enough to send anyone running. So why does he stay? And why are so many people drawn to Penance Lane?