“雪诺”基特·哈灵顿将为BBC儿童电影《Zog》配音,国产该片由《咕噜牛》的创作和制作团队打造,国产剧情十分萌:Zog是一位热情但经常惹事的龙,正在龙学院学习飞翔、怒吼、喷火和打骑士,为期4年,每年都有一个好心的小女孩替他包扎伤口。但是今年的这位会不会帮Zog完成他龙生中最复杂的挑战:抓到一位公主呢?哈灵顿将配音Gadabout爵士,休·斯金纳(《妈妈咪呀2》)已加盟配音Zog,兰尼·亨利任画外音,配音阵容还有帕齐·费伦、崔茜·尤玛等。该片将于今年圣诞在BBC One播出。
“雪诺”基特·哈灵顿将为BBC儿童电影《Zog》配音,国产该片由《咕噜牛》的创作和制作团队打造,国产剧情十分萌:Zog是一位热情但经常惹事的龙,正在龙学院学习飞翔、怒吼、喷火和打骑士,为期4年,每年都有一个好心的小女孩替他包扎伤口。但是今年的这位会不会帮Zog完成他龙生中最复杂的挑战:抓到一位公主呢?哈灵顿将配音Gadabout爵士,休·斯金纳(《妈妈咪呀2》)已加盟配音Zog,兰尼·亨利任画外音,配音阵容还有帕齐·费伦、崔茜·尤玛等。该片将于今年圣诞在BBC One播出。
回复 :昭和38年,西日本仓岛市两支暴力组织——大原组和川手组斗争不断,当地警方和政界与黑道多有瓜葛,故抗争形势复杂多变。仓岛警署警官久能德松(菅原文太 饰)与大原组干部广谷贤次(松方弘树 饰)私交甚厚,两人借突击搜查之名摧毁川手组土地收购计划,此举更是激化两派矛盾。与川手组暗通款曲的县高层调来公正严明的警官海田(梅宫辰夫 饰)镇压大原组,并调查久能与黑道的关系。出狱的大原组组长(远藤太津朗 饰)迫于压力宣布解散组织,广谷无处藏身,困兽犹斗。经劝说后的久能屈服于海田,最终射杀了意图攻击海田的广谷。多年后的事实证明,所谓的正义,不过也是丑恶阴谋的一部分……
回复 :根据英国小说家哈加德同名巨作改编,传说所罗门国王在大沙漠中埋下了巨大的宝藏,以及一块石碑,谁拥有这块石碑,将能统治全非洲,曾经追寻所罗门王宝藏的冒险者们都一去不回,没人解开这个迷题。而梅特兰教授经过大半生的勘探,终于找到了埋藏宝藏的地图,故事从此展开,渴望统治非洲的夸夸尼国王塔拉以及俄国沙皇对地图虎视眈眈,同时导游迈纳也垂涎于宝藏里巨额财富。为了救回父亲,伊丽莎白,梅特兰小姐找上了经验丰富的导游艾伦,夸特曼以及他的同伴们,他们必须随时保持警惕,与大自然以及这些狂徒们周旋……
回复 :Jake Cullen (Bill Kerr) lives with his grandson in the Australian outback when a massive razorback boar attacks him, destroying his house and killing his grandson. He is accused of murder and his dignity is destroyed.Two years later, a wildlife reporter, Beth Winters, journeys to the outback to document the hunting of Australian wildlife to be used as animal food, processed in a large factory, but she is attacked by two deranged locals, Benny and Dicko, who leave her to be killed by the beast. Her husband, Carl, goes in search of her, and aids Jake Cullen and his young associate, Sarah Cameron, in hunting for the razorback responsible for her death.As they search for the creature, Benny and Dicko worry that they may be associated with the murder of Beth Winters, so they attack Cullen and leave him to be killed by the boar. Vowing revenge for his wife and his friend, Carl finds Benny and lowers him into a mineshaft, presumably killing him, and finds Dicko in the factory. Before he can kill him, the razorback surges and mauls Dicko to death before chasing after Carl and Sarah, where they face off inside the processing factory. Carl lures the Boar (having speared it with a pole) into pursuing him down a conveyor belt, at the end of which is a large industrial fan. Not able to stop itself, the boar falls to its demise onto the blade/fins killing it, while Carl rescues Sarah.